We're working with local food banks and communities to help feed hungry kids.

Every year millions of children go without food. This is our 11th year helping address this problem through the Restoring You Food Drive.

We're partnering with more than 95 food banks across the country to help feed hungry children and we're also matching all donations up to 25% to make sure the funds go even further. 

In 2021, we donated over 3.5 million meals with your help. This year our goal is 4 million. Imagine just how many smiling faces 4 million meals will create. Will you join us as we work to make a difference and help restore the lives of hungry children?

Nearly 1 in 6 Children Goes Hungry

12 million children in the US live in food insecure homes. Despite their parents' best efforts, they may skip meals or miss the nutrients they need to grow. Caliber is partnering with 95 food banks to feed children across the country in the communities we serve.

Source: feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america

$1 = 6 Meals

Monetary donations go even further. The food banks we partner with have the resources and expertise to turn every dollar donated into 6 meals, on average, for hungry kids. Caliber is matching donations up to 25% to help restore lives in our communities.